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Handheld Winter 2011

The Uni-Farm Revolution is a review of Alex Moon’s Uni-Farm which was part of the 2010 Production Access Fresh-Crop.

Winter 2011 Hand Held cover

Hand Held Winter 2011

Handheld has grown from a newsletter into Alberta’s first dedicated media arts magazine. It is distributed nationally and twice annually to members, arts organizations, institutions and interested individuals. The magazine keeps Calgary’s media arts community informed about events, activities and contemporary theory, ideas, and social arts activism. It provides a forum for the discussion of current issues and concerns, and a venue for relating information about workshops, equipment and policy changes within EMMEDIA.

Handheld is also posted in PDF format as an online resource on the EMMEDIA website. This increases the reach of our publication where otherwise international mailing costs would prove prohibitive.

Handheld responds to members’ needs to share insights, ideas and information. Circulation is currently 350. Contributing writers to the magazine are paid, and provide essays and reviews, which further stimulate discussion and a sense of community. Our goal is to increase our editorial rigor to ensure Handheld maintains its critical value and continues to move forward as a print resource for artists and the community.

When did this happen? January 2011.

Posted in Make, Writing.

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